Amber Holloway

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Let’s show the world that we who have epilepsy are strong resilient people!

Hero Name: Purple Torch
Purple Power: Spreading purple awareness and raising purple funds
Hero Mission: I’m saving the day this March for the 270,000 people in Australia facing the challenges of epilepsy by participating in Make March Purple.

All heroes need their Sidekicks, so please show your support by donating to my page. All funds raised will provide information, education and training and vital support services to people living with epilepsy.

Thank you for your support!

My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Made a Self Donation
($27 or more)

Reached Fundraising Target

Reached $1,000 in Donations

Reached $2,000 in Donations

My Updates

Don’t give up!

Tuesday 4th Feb
Having epilepsy can be very difficult. It is exhausting for the body and the mind. It may cause other issues in the body which can also be difficult to cope with. This does not mean we are too weak to keep going. Us who have epilepsy are such strong, resilient people. I say don’t give up! Don’t let epilepsy stop you from achieving your goals in life. Don’t let it bring you down after having a seizure, just know that you are an amazing person who can still soldier on! Epilepsy won’t be forever, healing is on its way. It is ok to feel down but just know that you can get back up again. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We who have epilepsy have got this! #dontgiveup! 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Amber Holloway


Lex And Evelyn


Jilly Croft


Sarah Marchioli

Awesome job 🤩


Andrew Herweynen


Denise Arnold

Great work Amber!